215 Countries.
215 People.
215 Weeks.

Goal: To Master Global Mindset

The #215 Project is an initiative to connect with at an interesting, global-minded person in every country on Earth. This is part of my bigger mission to learn and inculcate a global mindset, which is critical to succeed in this increasingly border-less, digital world.


Here is the complete list of 215 countries in the World.


Here are the global-minded people I have interviewed for this project.


All the questions you ever wanted to ask about this project.

The Book


This is a 4-year long project and as I interact with people having a global mindset, there are bound to be aha moments and deep insights. I will be compiling all the experiences, insights and techniques to develop a global mindset in this book. I’m a huge fan of crowdsourced knowledge and this book will be an epitome of that. The book will be launched on 20th June 2023. It’s also the day I turn 50 years and this will be a great way to celebrate. If you are a book publisher and interested in this book, I would love to have a conversation with you. Am at +919841597744 and Kiruba@Kiruba.com



I would love if you can recommend an interesting person that you know in any of the countries. It would be helpful if the person has an international mindset. A person who has built an international business, a CEO who heads a multinational company, a global professional speaker, an artist who collaborates with other artists around the world, a professor who teaches students from across the world, a University Dean who accepts internationally diverse students.  It would be great if you can share the person’s contact details or even better, can personally make an introduction. Please use this form to fill in the details. This is a non-commercial project and all the experiences and lessons will be shared online for everyone to benefit. I thank you in advance for your help.

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+91 9841597744


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