Nirmaldasan is the pen name of N.Watson Solomon, an independent Communication Consultant. He has conducted workshops in renowned institutions, delivered keynote addresses in seminars and chaired sessions in international conferences.

He has 15 years of journalistic experience, including a decade with The Hindu. He also has rich academic experience, including a two-year stint as Head — Department of Media Studies, Hindustan College of Arts & Science.

He is the creator of the Strain Index, a formula that measures the readability of texts. He maintains a weblog Readability Monitor to keep track of plain language: He has co-authored Plain Language In Plain English (2010), Understanding News Media (2006) and the tinai series (2001-04). He has written three books of poetry. He is a co-editor of Essays In Ecocriticism (2007) and a co-founder of Indian Journal Of Ecocriticism (2008). Most of his writings are available online:


R.S. Sushmitha

Ms. Sushmitha is pursuing IV year M.Sc Electronic Media in the Department of Media Sciences, Anna University, Chennai. She has a keen eye for learning new things and expanding her knowledge base. She is a perfectionist who likes to show a difference in whatever she does. Her working experience in the fields of Public Relations and Advertising made her interests in the field of marketing grow. As a result she played a major role in organizing a campaign called ‘Clean Hands Safe Life’.

To know more about Sushmitha visit

T. Preethi

Ms. Preethi is pursuing IV year M.Sc Electronic Media in the Department of Media Sciences, Anna University, Chennai. She is a person inspired by every single thought that occurs in her mind and puts it into action at an instant making it an inspiration for others. She has  gained experience in various fields such as Public Relations, News Production and Advertising. She has also been a part of a successful campaign called ‘Clean Hands Safe Life’ for Global Handwashing Day.

To know more about Preethi visit

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