Why are some banks so easy to cheat ??. Listen to my experience and you’ll know why !!. I had gone to an ATM to withdraw money but having forgotten to take my ATM card, I walk into the IDBI bank to withdraw cash thru their cash counter. I pick up a withdrawal form but couldn’t remember my account number. So I walk to the front desk and request for my a/c number and the lady very co-operatingly gives it to me. No questions asked. I take the filled up form to the cash counter and present it. The guy at the counter looks at the form, puts a ‘paid’ stamp on it,scribbles a quick signature on it, and hands over the cash to me. During the entire exercise at the bank, nobody bothered to verify my identity or my signature. So if I want to steal money from the bank, all I need to know is some male customer’s name ( if you are girl, try a female name ) and walk away scot free. Now , isn’t that easy money?