My Kuttima’s Birthday !
According to the candles, my daughter must be 19 years old. In reality, she is all of 3 years. She wanted lots of candles so she can blow ’em out just like in the movies!! Well, it was her day and she had her way 🙂
That’s the Lion King cake. Krithya would’ve liked a Pink Panter one instead but I couldn’t get the design done in time to give it to the bakers.
Krithya requested a Shervara for her b’day dress and we were super glad to find a piece which was exactly the kind she had in mind. Super glad!
Imagine close to two dozen of her hyperactive friends and you can imagine the frenzied atmosphere. Noise levels overshot sane decibel levels. Revelry din, messy chaos…loved every minute of it.