In General

Starting today, our apartment has started to segregate the garbage into two bins. The red bin for non-organic waste like plastic and the green bin for organic waste like kitchen waste, paper etc. Dec 4th (today) is the date when the Tamilnadu govt has made it mandatory for all the houses to follow this.

My wife is the vice-president of our apartment welfare association (ego boosting fancy title, eh?!) which means I’m automatically given the responsibility of working on this project. I’m starting off with making information pamphlets which I need to distribute to all the houses in my apartment and coax them into following the rule.

I’m impressed with the TN govt for enforcing such rules. The water-harvesting campaign was a very successful one and pretty useful too.

I don’t know if this garbage segregation thing is going to be strictly implemented by the public but I’m making sure that our apartment follows it.