Why Niche Blogs Will Succeed
Over the weekend, I went over to the Maruti Suzuki Showroom which is right around the corner of my home to check out the newly launched Swift. Sure enough, the car was good (read fabulous) and I wanted to learn more. The first thing that hit my mind was DriveBlog, a niche blog that covers only cars. It wasn’t Autodrive or AutoCar magazomes. Sure, I would’ve checked them out eventually but what matters is what strikes you first.
Commercialization still hasn’t laid its dirty hands on blogs unlike magazines. So, what I read is fairly unbiased opinion and that’s what I want to hear.
As for revenues, take a good look at the Google ads in the site. The last five times I checked, the ads featured the Swift cars. Hey, I’m there to learn about Swift and I see ads on Swift. Is that bang on or what. Fancy the chances of clicks happening. Even though clicks may not be coming in droves, it eventually will when the site establishes credibility and familiarity.
I have known Navneet Potti, the guy who runs DriveBlog, personally. (We were colleagues at Sify). When he quit his personal blog and later started DriveBlog, I had my doubts. Now, I’m convinced that niche is the way.
Don’t see the tree. Not the branches. Not the bird. Aim for the eye. Yeah, the eye. The nicher the subject is, the better. And excel in it.
I’ve seen it in Ganesh’s Rupya.com and Rafat’s PaidContent. Read my lips, guys. Niche blogs are the way to go.