Some US Schools are Worse than China in Blog Censorship
I thought China was bad when they came out with a rule that bloggers with their own domained website must register with the Chinese government who will keep a close watch on what you are saying. Hey, its China. So I wasn’t very surprised.
But I definitely was surprised to learn that a few US schools and universities required their students to register not just domained website but even their MySpace, Facebook, blogger accounts with the school authorties who intend to keep a close eye. The policy says that if students are found to misuse blogs, they can be denied access to extra curricular activities and even get banned from school. In a country that respects privacy and freedom of speech, this negative development came as a surprise.
Andy Carvin, who runs Digital Divide, is compiling a list of countries that require their bloggers to regiter. If you know any info, do let him know.