Twitter is a micro-blogging tool that forces you to be concise. Unlike blogging where you are free to write however long you want, Twitter only allows 140 characters. That’s around 25 words. Two sentences. Many […]
At first, it was hard to believe the latest news about a brand new browser from Google. I was easily tempted to file it under ‘Fun rumors’. Afterall, Google is notorious for launching many ‘fun’ […]
About three months ago, I made a firm decision that I would definitely buy an iPhone. I’d wanted one ever since its launch a year ago and the news of iPhone 3G launch at $199 […]
Recently, I had the chance to travel to Japan to speak and participate in an international conference. Ever heard of Sapporo? Quite honestly, I hadn’t. It’s Japan’s 5th largest city in the northern island of […]
Quite a few years ago, I met this CEO who had this unbelievably small laptop. After ogling at it for a while, I enquired its price. With a tinge of pride, he said its an […]