Be a Number One Blogger!

The following trips have been gleaned from an experience of five years of blogging and numerous discussions with other top bloggers….

1)    Get your own domain

      Kick out the secondary blog address like.

yourname. blogspot. com.  Buy your own domain.  Show you are a professional.  Show your serious enough.

2) Get your custom email

This has been my blog’s best marketing tool.  Every time I send out an email, I promote my site in a submit manner.  My point is, why promote yahoo or hotmail, when you can promote yourself?

3) Publish your URL in stationeries

Use it in your E- mail signatures.  Use it in your business card.  In your letter pad.  Heck, I even have it on my helmet!

4) Add a blogroll

       It’s the equivalent of you scratch my back, I scratch yours.  Sign up with  Add up your frequently read blogs.

5) Ping

If you are using, activate the ping option.  Sometimes, the automatic pinging doesn’t work.  So, always fill up blogrolling’s ping form.

6) Register your blog at

        Blogstreet is and will continue to be the most important blog directory.  Why wouldn’t you want to be here?

7) Provide RSS feeds

       Many people use newsreaders to subscribe to their frequently read blogs.  Don’t miss out on the crowd.  Make sure you site has RSS feeds.  If you don’t know what this is, ask a tech friend.

8) Write daily

       When people visit your site, they invest in their time and internet time. And more importantly, they think about you.  Respect that.  Don’t make them turn back empty handed.

9) Comment on other sites

Let’s be honest.  We love receiving comments.  Add invariably check out their blog.  It’s an effective way to introduce your blog to others.  However, be honest with your opinions about other bloggers.  Don’t comment for number sake.  Comment, so you can engage in a discussion.

10) Keep your posts short & sharp

        I hate reading long posts.  And am sure others do too.  If you can’t help it (like this long post), at least it into smaller paras and provide sub-headings.

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