Why are you doing this Book Authoring Retreat?
Good question. When I authored my first book, it was an arduous journey only because I didn’t know the right way to do things. I learned it the hard way and I really wished there was a training program to help make it easy. This is my way of making that thought come true and help folks who are getting into book authoring.
Who is leading this workshop?
That would be me. My name is Kiruba Shankar, a digital entrepreneur during weekdays and a farmer during weekends. I have authored five books till date. More info about my books at http://Kiruba.com/books . This workshop is done in association with TiE Chennai’s Creative Special Interest Group.
Why should I attend this Book Authoring Workshop?
I sat down to think of three reasons why it will be useful for participants. I actually ended up with ten reasons.Click here to learn all.
Are you serious about the deadline of publishing books by 1st August, 2017?
Yup, we certainly are. Dead serious, in fact. It is this deadline that will help us focus on finishing the books. Previous experiences have been very successful. Nine participants have successfully finished publishing their book within the stipulated 100 days.
If I attend this workshop, will you help in editing and publishing my book?
Yes, we will point you to the right resources and connect you with the right tools and persons who will help you.
Where is this authoring workshop taking place?
The Retreat take place in a quaint little home at a beautiful 13 acre farm in a remote village, 3 hours from Chennai.
How many participants will be there in the workshop?
Only a select handful participants will get the chance to be part of the workshop. These will be people selected from the list of applicants who have demonstrated a high level of commitment in getting their book dream realized.
Is there a selection process?
Yes, there will be a short selection process. The main idea behind the process is to find out how determined you are in wanting to get your book published. From experience, we found that the most determined and motivated individuals are the ones who derive the best from events like these. We encourage you to apply.
What is the cost?
The cost is Rs.9000. (For TiE Members and Book Unconference Participants, it is only Rs.8000) This includes accommodation for two days, food, workshop materials and local transportation at the village. You also have the flexibility to pay in instalments.
Are there any easier payment options?
For those who prefer flexibility in payment, we offer a choice of staggered payment. You can pay Rs.3000 per month across three months.