The Book Authoring Workshop is an intense, highly focused, two day book writing workshop for first-time authors. It takes place in a lush green 13 acre farm in a beautiful village. The dates for event are September 2 & 3, 2017. The aim of the retreat is to encourage and help the participants publish their book in 2016.
The event uses NaNoWriMo, the global book authoring project, as the backbone for this event. NaNoWriMo, encourages people to write 50,000 words in a single month. If people can do that in a single month, imagine what we can do in 3 months.
The Authoring Retreat goes beyond this by forming a support group and guides the participants in planning, editing, publishing and marketing of their books.
Here are the areas that we will cover in the Book Authoring Retreat.
[one_second]- Structuring your book.
- How to write clearly.
- Tips to write regularly.
- Tools to help you write better
- Getting peer-review done effectively
- Proof-reading your draft
- Finding a good editor.
- Designing your book cover
- Designing your book layout.
- The different formats of a book
- Formatting the layout of your book
- Writing a book proposal
- Finding a good publisher
- Self-Publishing your book
- Amazon Kindle, Apple iBooks
- Marketing Techniques for your book.
- Tips to increase sales of your book.
- Non-monetary benefits from your book.
You can read about the reasons why this workshop will be useful to you, take a look at the idyllic venue, and read the FAQ to understand the event better. Feel free to call Kiruba at 098415 97744 or email him at for any clarifications.
Only a small team of participants who are passionate about turning their book dream to reality are selected to be part of the Retreat. If you are interested, please apply here.
Next: Why Authoring Workshop