Turn your blog into a book

Let me guess, you’ve always wanted to publish your very own book, but didn’t know how to get started. As a matter of fact, this action item has been staring back at you from your “Things I must do before I die” list. Believe me, it’s been sitting on mine for a very long time along with visiting the Olympic Games and Skydiving. Although the last two are still in the works, publishing my book can happen sooner than I expected. I chanced upon Blurb, which allows anyone to create their own hardcover or softcover book. You can even turn your blog into a book if you wanted to – a feature still in the works. Simple download their free software, and publish your book when you’re happy with your results. Publishing is pretty affordable, starting at around Rs. 1500. It goes up from there and I’m sure it would take a ton of pages to print my whole blog. You download their program for free and you can edit your book as much as you want, so I don’t have to include all of the idiocy! Also, check out Lulu.com. They recently won the best web 2.0 Book publishing award.

Oh, and looking a little closer at the website you can make lots of different kinds of books. You can do cookbooks, photo books (I’m thinking Grandparents would really appreciate one of these.) Wedding books…it goes on! I’m really excited to do one. I’ll let you know when I do one how it goes.

It’s easy to think who would be interested in reading your blog as a book. Never underestimate your importance. You will find your own small audience. Besides, it’s a good ego-fix and feel good thing to have your own book published. I can imagine a journal for a couple who might me going through a pregnancy or some other significant event in their life would find this a valuable service to print up a record for family and friends.


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