In General

There’s a trend I’m beginning to see.

Every time I get a telemarketing call, I quickly interrupt the sales pitch and in not-so-nice terms say I’m not interested in their offer, and hang up the call. I hang up even before they get a chance to explain. It’s not proper etiquette but hey, like hell I care.

I feel bad for these folks. It’s really not them. It’s their job that forces them to make those annoying calls. Offlate, I’ve taken it easy on such folks.

I politely reply back saying that I’m not interested. I don’t stop there. I continue talking. I request them to please remove me from their calling-list and then I ask them to call me back to confirm the deletion of my name.

Invariably, before I can finish my sentence, they hang up. This has happened to me 9 out of 10 times. I’m sure they must feel good after this.

Glad to be of help!