Whaddya mean I’m free for this weekend ?? : Looks like I’ve got a pretty packed one ahead of me. A quick look at my schedule.
Saturday evening : Attend Jammy, my colleague’s surprise party. Gotto try not to get too high on Bloody Marys and Screw Drivers.
Sunday morning : Attend Shanxs, my college senior’s marriage. He had been away to the US and we’ll be seeing each other for the first time in seven years.
Sunday afternoon : Lunch with friends from Antarix. There’s been a blanket layoff there and they are celebrating a pink slip get-together.
Sunday evening :Got tickets booked for Panchathantira , Kamal’s latest flick.
Sunday night : Shopping time. My daughter’s first birthday is approaching and it’s time to plan for the trip to Tirupathi for her tonsuring ceremony.