He is the Taj : I’m just back from a meeting with Mr.Mohan Kumar, COO & GM of Taj Hotels, Resorts & Palaces. We met at the executive lounge of Taj Coromandel… the meeting was a very informal one and he spoke of his experiences in the hotel industry. For a person at such a high position ( imagine the entire cream of Taj luxury hotels comes under him ), it’s amazing how easily approachable and down-to-earth he is. The first thing I noticed was he has a very striking resemblance to my distanct uncle Mr.Vaithialingam , ex-chief minister of Pondicherry. A sort of Ajit Wadekar kind of resemblance too. What was supposed to be a one hour meeting, went on for three hours. Boy, how we lose track of time. Finished the meeting with a sumptious Taj lunch buffet.