I interviewed Shanti Braford , the creator of the much talked about PopDex, a popularity indexing tool which crawls thousands of weblogs daily to pick out the popular posts. The tool has been a subject of discussion of late … some welcome it’s new features while others revile it as a Blogdex clone. A bit of controversy, I guess, is always good for its publicity. The best way to get answers are from the man himself… so I shot across the questions that’s been lurking in many minds and to my surprise Shanti got back to me in a flash. Read his , ‘straight-from-the-heart’ answers here.
P.S : When I first saw the name, I imagined the person to be a second generation Indian girl married to an Amercian 🙂 I’m sure the Indian readers must’ve thought the same. Read the last question for the mystery solver !!