In General

We have collected over Rs.34,000 in donations made at Ganesh has already transferred Rs.8000 to my ICICI account for us to utilize in relief activities. He will be sending the rest of the money soon.

As the contact person in Chennai, I feel a whole load of responsibility having to make sure that the money reaches the real needy fast. The donors have given money with their heart and its extremely important that we at Chennai do absolute justice to their great effort.

I plan to take a day off from office tomorrow and travel down the East Coast Road to identify the fishing hamlets that are in real need for aid. I realise that the places near the city get aid but the ones that are further away haven’t got as much. So my aim is to identify these places and more importnatly spread this information to the many relief and aid agencies.

If you know of places that really need help, please let me know at 98415 97744 or email me at Please also send across your ideas on ways how we can best use the money collected.

If you are interested in joining me in the trip and to give a helping hand, please feel free to call me on my mobile. If my mobile is unreachable, please leave a message with my wife at my home phone at (044) 52133619.

I hear that the access to East Coast Road, where most of the affected hamlets are located is now blocked in view of the threath of new tsunami. I’m taking a trip down to Thiruvanmiyur to analyse the situation. Depending on the situation, I will let you know the exact plan.