In General

Interviewed by Ritz Magazine

I got a call couple of days back from Lavanya, a reporter at Ritz Magazine requesting for a meeting. Word had gotten around to her about how blogs were an useful tool for tsunami relief and she wanted a first hand account.

We met at Barista last evening and had an hour and half meet, talking about various topics. It was during the conversation that I learn that Lavanya is the sister of the person who contributed the highest amount to the Tsunami relief at I remember him so well because he requested his contributions to be anonymous. I’m always impressed with people helping out expecting nothing in return. He currently lives in the US and suggested the storyline to his sis.

I have never heard about this mag before. I hear that its a Chennai focussed glossy mag. I’m told that the interview will appear in the February issue. Will keep an eye on the newsstands.