Cycling & Me
Those who have known me, know my passion for cycling. What most don’t know is that I’d love to sweat. Profusely at that. And I love the heat. Love Madras for that. Yeah, I kinda understand that quirky look on your face! 🙂
To me cycling is more than just a mode of transportation. It’s a time I spend with myself. To think. To daydream. To plan.
When people ask me how do I travel to work and when I tell them that I cycle, there’s usually a look of agast on their face. I mean, what kind of guy would want to cycle 26 kilometers a day. They look at all the strain, the hardwork, the grime. As for me, I look at the joy of pain as lactic acid grips my thighs, I look at a chance to push myself harder, test my boundaries, I look at a great way to keep fit, I look at it as training ground for the marathon and the upcoming rowing season.
A few snapshots..
That’s me at my apartment starting to office. I usually lug a big bag. It contains my set of office dress, formal shoes, lunch box, diary, books and a few other stuff. People kid if I’m on an himalayan expedition. The stuff around my neck is the MP3 player that gives me great company. I just so love the new cycling helmet which Kamala presented to me. She got it when she came in from the US two weeks ago. It’s super light, fits snugly and feels great.
That’s me at Tidel Park, where my office is. I usually don’t just pedal to office. I power pedal. In other words, I can kick anyone’s butt when it comes to cycling. I may be a bad marathon runner, but I pride my cycling. I cover the 13 kms distance from Virugambakkam to Tidel Park in sub-32 minutes (counting in the peak hour morning traffic). And I don’t have a geared cycle. Oh, that’s on my next buy list.
That’s me at my office wash room. We have a super shower room and I love the gush of cold water. Like I said, I love to sweat. I get a high when the blood hits my head, the veins throb, the beart beats wildly and your lungs frantically grasps for air. One of the best compliments I’ve had is when a colleague once stopped me and asked seriously, “Kribs, is it raining outside?” !!