An Unbeaten Century : The Day When I Wasn’t Myself.
This should definitely be my best day in Cricket. I scored an unbeaten century today against a stronger team. It was a match between two departments within Sify. (It’s professional leather ball cricket, not the tennis ball one).
I captained the International Business Team while Somu captained the Technololgy Team. ( It was a coincidence that both the captains were bloggers).
After the innings, I went over to look at the scorecard and this is how my innings was built.
Kiruba : 1,4,1,4,2,4,6,4,4,2,4,1,6,1,2,1,1,4,1,1,6,6,4,4,1,4,4,1,1,4,1,4,6 (100 Not Out)
That’s an impressive 14 boundaries and 5 sixes. Not bad for a guy who isn’t a regular cricketer.
We scored 189 for four in 20 overs while we rescricted the opponents to 161 for 9. After the match, I collected the scorecard as a memoir. The point is, I usually don’t play this well. This definitely has been my day.
Maybe I should thank the daily cycling and marathon practice. On a hot humid day when everyone seemed to wilt in the heat, I felt great at the ground. My physical endurance surprised even me.
However, the best part of the day was when the teams got together for chilled beer. Trust me, cold beer after an exhauting day is what I’d call mannah from heaven.
We have another match against Enterprise Applications SBU lined up on June 11th. I hope the success doesn’t get to our head.