Catching up with Running
One of my new year resolutions is to get serious with marathon practice. I badly needed a new pair of shoes. My old one, though looking good, had outlived its running life. It has lost its cushioning effect and that reflected clearly on my knees. Started to feel the pain even after a 10 km run. The new Nike shoe should help. I’m adding in extra cushion padding from Dr.Scholls.
Now, a word about my marathon preparation. It’s far from good. Chennai Marathon is exactly one month away and am no where near the levels I should be. I’m looking at as much improvement that I can possibly manage. Thankfully, I have company to run with. Ram Vishwanathan invited me to run along with like minded marathoners and that’s a great source of inspiration.
I usually cycle to work everyday but last month, for various reasons I had to neglect this and mostly drove to work. That started showing clearly on my body. I put on 3 kgs and worse, got a light paunch. Needless to say I’m pissed and I’m getting back. Jan should see me strictly cycling to work. As always, I never take the lift to my 4th floor office and always climb up. At this stage, I can help myself to as much physical activity I can get.