In General

PrinceRoy’s two year term as Vice Consul at the US Consulate in Madras came to an end and he threw a ‘Wheels-up’ party on the night of his flight. ‘Wheels-up’ roughly is a take on the flight’s take off.

There’s a tradition very unique to the Consulate in Madras, something that I heard started many years back. At the send-off party, the guests are free to take anything in the house that the officer is leaving behind. It’s like ‘Finders Takers’ and you can pocket anything you find in the house. Interesting I thought. But not having used to stuff like this, I didn’t pick any. Maybe next time for sure!

Met some interesting folks. Some of them just landing in Chennai after serving consulates in other countries and some ready to fly off to even more interesting destinations, Tokyo, Rio, Taiwan et al. There were bloggers in the crowd and we stuck an immediate rapport. In the snap below (from left to right) is me, Beth, Prince and Charles.