In podcasting, The Kiruba Show

How To Make A Podcast Using A Telephone

I did a quick video to demonstrate how to use a normal telephone to create a podcast. Take a look at the video.

How to do a podcast via telephone on Vimeo

A small note. There’s a lag in the video and hence the audio doesn’t sync up with the video. It’ll look odd in the beginning but you’ll soon get used to it.

Today morning, I’m going to be interviewing Drew Clarke, Director at IBM’s Venture Capital Group. I didn’t want to record thru normal methods like Skype or Gizmo. Offlate, they have been acting up on me. So, I wanted to test out the telephone route.

I bought this nifty little telephone recording adapter for Rs.130 ($3) from Ritchie street. If you bargain hard, its yours for Rs.100. I fixed it up and it works pretty ok.

Its the simplicity of the entire task that prompted me to demo how it works. BTW, this video is pretty impromptu. I didn’t prepare for it. That explains the messy desk. My dad played the cameraman. He used my still digicam to shoot. I did a test call with my wife who was actually in the other room at my home.

I like Vimeo better than YouTube because it looks a lot better. The video is a fun experiment. You should take a look at it.