Ultimate Frisbee on Saturdays at the Beach
I was super excited when I got an email announcing that a bunch of guys have started Ultimate Frisbee at the Elliots beach. I read more about the game and was super excited. The team plays every Saturday at 5:15 am at the Elliots Beach, Besant Nagar.
Ultimate Frisbee is an exciting sport that mixes the best features of sports such as Soccer, Basketball, American Football and Netball into an elegantly simple yet fascinating and demanding game.
I missed this Saturday’s game because of PodWorks. Will miss the next week’s one as well because I will be in Dubrovnik. Can’t wait to get back and get started with the game.
I’ve been eager to get busy with a game and this fits in perfectly with my plan. Ultimate Frisbee on Saturday mornings and Marathon practice on Sunday mornings. Perfect.
At Chennai, the initiative for Ultimate Frisbee is by Narayan, who is a BITisan and ISBian. If you want to join up, subscribe to the mailing list.