In The Kiruba Show

Podcast Interview with Co-founder of SecondLife

I met Cory Ondrejka at the iCommons Summit at Croatia, an event that had some amazingly brilliant folks. Cory is co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Linden Labs, the company behind the insanely successful SecondLife.

SecondLife is a 3D virtual world that has nearly 7 million residents who design, build and live their own lives. It even has its own currency, the Linden Dollar. Cory calls it virtual real estate and as in the real world, its turning out to be a good money spinner. In this interview, Cory talks about the revenue models.

The entire iCommons Summit was webcast live on SecondLife. So, if you could not fly to Croatia, you could have watched the proceedings live from the comfort of your home.

Photo by: Rikomatic