Off to Orissa for a Week. No Updates.
This month has been unusually hectic in terms of travel. Croatia, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Orissa & Delhi in a matter of few weeks. I come back to Chennai later in the week and head straight to Delhi to take part in the CNBC panel discussion on digital conversion, moderated by Abhimanyu of Tech2.0 fame. Something I’m looking forward to.
I doubt if there’ll be any connectivity at the remote place in Orissa that we are going to. So, updates will be sporadic at best. Meanwhile, you may want to check out the video coverage of the Web 2.0 event that took place in Mumbai yesterday.
I’m impressed with the professional live webcast and video coverage by 24 Frames Digital. They did a complete coverage of the full day’s event and everything is available for you to view.
I took part in the second panel discussion on ‘Marketing Perspectives : Reality Check’. You may want to view it on Internet Explore as the video didn’t play in Firefox for me. My 6 minute talk is between 39th and 45th minute of the video.