Learning the Essence of Bee-Keeping2011-08-162011-08-16http://www.kiruba.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/kiruba.pngkiruba.comhttp://www.kiruba.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/kiruba.png200px200px
Beep-Keeping is an activity that I certainly have on my ‘Things to do’ list for my farm. When I visited Vanashree farm, its owner, Srikanth explained to me about the art of bee-keeping. Take a look at the video and you’ll learn surprising facts.
Kiruba Shankar is CEO of Breathe Digital, a digital marketing consultancy. He is an author of 5 books, Professor of Digital Marketing and a Weekend Organic Farmer. More about him at http://Kiruba.com. Kiruba is a Professional Speaker and is the Founding President of the Professional Speakers Association of India. His Professional Speaking site is at http://Kiruba.Pro. He can be reached at +91.9841597744 or Kiruba @ Kiruba.com.