My elder daughter, Krithya, recently completed her schooling and is at the cusp of joining a college. During this one month break, she decided to occupy herself with certain activities. She has joined our office as an intern. She decided to relaunch her own website at But the one that inspired me the most is how she found the mojo back in writing.
When she was 8 years old, she published her first children’s story book. A year later, she got her second book published. As she began to enter teens, she lost interest in writing and the pressures of academic life took over with the need to score good marks in her 12th standard. With that out of the way now, she now has time to pursue her creative projects. With the launch of her website, she started writing a few blog posts. She surprised us (and herself) with her interest in writing. She enjoyed writing. This was a beautiful, positive reminder for me to get back into active blogging. And what joy, when your own daughter inspires you to get back in the game.