This coming weekend of April 13 & 14, we are inviting people who are passionate about farming to come be part of the farming activities at our village. Vaksana farms is an idyllic 9 acre [...]
Water is a lifeline for any farm. Finding water can make a difference between a useful farm and wasteland. We hired a local team to drill a bore and were lucky to hit a good spot. We dug a bore [...]
Quick backgrounder: I had requested people to write what they would do if they had 7 acres of farm land. This was done primarily as a way to crowdsource ideas for my own farm and also be useful [...]
This blog post is part of the popular series called, ‘What If I had 7 Acres‘. It’s an online challenge that I threw to pick ideas on what would people do if they had the chance [...]
When you are building a (farm) house, almost every place you go to, you start imbibing the ideas from what you see. The other day, I went to the bar at Presidency Club to meet a friend. I [...]