These credit card companies are blood suckers. They think they can boss over their customers. Today morning at 7:00 a.m, an executive representing ICICI bank comes to my house … thus goes the conversation. Bell rings. I open the door.
ICICI rep : Where is the cheque ?
Me : Good Morning. Who are you please ?
ICICI rep : I’m from ICICI come to collect your dues.
Me : I wish you could have given me a call before coming.
ICICI rep : I can come anytime.
Me : Oh yeah ! Can I have your superior’s phone number please ?
ICICI rep : Uhhh ? Mmm…errr…..why do you ask for him ?
Me : To tell him a word or two about your customer relationship
ICICI rep : Err… sorry Sir . Sir, when would it be convenient for you sir for me to come and meet you again sir ?
Me : Never. I’ll deal directly with your boss.
End of conversation.