Marathon Windfall : The Chennai Marathon was originally scheduled to be held in November and I was beginning to feel guilty in not putting in enough practice. Today, I check the official site and [...]
Spot that ball I crouched behind the stumps at the wicketkeeper’s position to take this shot. The batsman missed the ball and it went on to hit my forehead. Now, spot that ball that made me [...]
How to break into a car…easily. An incident happened yesterday which totally took away my trust for a car’s lock. I locked the car with my key stuck inside. While I was standing there [...]
I’m a Pondicherrian and am mighty proud of it. So, it didn’t take much for me to fall in love with this promo hoarding on ECR road. Brilliant creativity, I thought. Wonder who’s [...]
The joy of a random game While driving down the picturesque East Coast Road which runs parallel to the sea, I saw a group of village boys playing volleyball. I pulled my car to the curb and [...]