Want to Question the Person behind SunSilkGangOfGirls.com? Ah! You can’t have missed this high profile campaign. It’s on TV, Mags & billboards across metros. The campaign is an obvious attempt to connect with the urban, Net savvy girls. Judging by the number of registrations on their site (it says 142440 registrants), the campaign seems to have hit the spot.
I was curious about who’s behind this and a quick search landed me at BCWebWise, the online interactive ad agency. A few more minutes on their site convinced me that they are doing some excellent work on building brands by developing communities on the Net. MakeYourMoves.com, a community site for Clinic All Clear, which I totally like, is also their creation.
After a few emails and a phone call, I got speaking with Chaya Brian, the lady who founded the agency. It’s been in existence since year 2000 and their client list is a veritable FMCG who’s who. I’m told it is India’s no. 1 agency in online communication.
I initially called her to invite her to come speak at BlogCamp.in but after seeing a lot of interesting stuff her company is doing, also decided to do a podcast interview with her.
The interview is scheduled next week. I’ve got quite a few quetsions to ask but I’d also like to involve you in it. If you have any questions to ask, put them down in the comments box and I’ll ask her on your behalf.