As many of you already know, I’m currently authoring a book on Crowdsourcing. Me and my research intern have been spending the better part of the month researching and writing. The book is taking shape very well.
We are now throwing the doors open and encouraging you to be part of the book. Not just because the book is on crowdsourcing, but because I have long realized that my intelligence is limited. I look upon your wisdom to enrich the book.
I invite you to be part of the book. Here’s how you can participate.
Tweet about your views on Crowdsourcing. Remember, your personal opinion is what matters.
It can be anything related to crowdsourcing. It could be about its usefulness, tips, your experiences etc. Don’t hold yourself back.
You can send in as many tweets. Preferably if its within 140 characters. But, don’t worry if you cannot. Just send it. We’ll do word play later to get it in line.
If you need two tweets to convey a certain message, that’s fine.
Alternatively, you can also email it to me at Kiruba[@] Or SMS me at +91.98415 97744. Or just leave a comment in this post.
20% of the book, that’s 28 tweets of the 140 tweets, will be from you all. I’ve done most of my part of the book and now look up to you for your wisdom.
For each selected tweet that makes the cut, your tweet will be published in the book along with your name and twitter ID. Your photo, your profile and link to your Twitter ID, blog, Facebook page, Flickr account will be published in the companion website. Once the book is complete, you will be amongst the first to get the PDF version of the book.
I look forward to collaborating together.