As many of you already know, I’m currently authoring a book on Crowdsourcing. Me and my research intern have been spending the better part of the month researching and writing. The book is [...]
A lot can be said in 140 characters. That’s the premise behind my new book, CrowdsourcingTweet. The book is a compilation of 140 tweets. Each tweet less than 140 characters. The book is [...]
This is a follow up post to my experience with ClearTrip during my trip to Kuala Lumpur. Please read the first part if you are new to this. Also read the blog post by Hrush, Cleartrip’s co [...]
A month ago, I got an invitation to speak at The Cost Effective Advertising Conference in Kuala Lumpur. The date clashed with our 9th wedding anniversary. I sensed a wonderful opportunity to [...]