In farm, Tree planting

A young, healthy flowering tree was mercilessly killed near our home. I always admired it for its flowers and never figured why would anyone get rid of it. Anyways, I collected all the chopped branches, removed the drying leaves and loaded them in my car. Am taking them to our farm to plant them. These branches quickly sprout when planted. A good way to seek revenge is to get 10 lives one of one murdered tree.

The healthy tree. Every morning, while walking my dog, I always admired this guy. Beautiful leaves, lovely shade of green and lovely flowers. — in Virugambakkam.

The chopped parts of the tree. — in Virugambakkam.

I collected all the branches and stripped out the drying leaves. — in Virugambakkam.

I loaded them in the trunk of my car and this will soon be given fresh lease of life at our farm. — in Virugambakkam.