Some India related AIDS info : AIDS: When death is the cheaper option : Article in today’s Hindustan Times. Yahoo groups exclusively on AIDS-India discussion. National AIDS Control [...]
Today evening, I’m off to attend the Chennai Management Book Readers’ Club meeting that I help support. The book that is being discussed today is the Pshychology of Persuasion. : How [...]
I interviewed Mark Frauenfelder, ex-editor-in-chief of and owner of weblog. I had been a freak for Wired magazines and so, when I got the chance to speak to him, I jumped [...]
Nilesh has created a plugin for MovableType called MTBlogTimes which creates a chart that plots the time of your posts. Haven’t tested it ‘coz I’m not yet on MT but I do know [...]
December 1 is World AIDS Day and the entire weblogging community supports the day with its LinkandThink project. If you are planning to participate, let’s do it with a difference. [...]