We Have Made a Difference Together, we have helped collect Rs.1.9 lakhs for a boy who really needed help. That’s 839% more than what we originally planned to collect. Its a major help for [...]

Prabhu’s Operation a Failure (If you are new here, please click here and scroll down to read about Prabhu and how we are trying to help him) Prabhu’s operation got over at 2:30 pm [...]

‘Thank You’ Just Doesn’t Do To everyone who had helped with money and sent in words of support, thank you very much. It’s a help in need. You also put me to shame. The day [...]

The Kindness Towards an Absolute Stranger I’m amazed and I’m touched by the compassion and kindness that people show towards someone who they have never seen, never met and never [...]

Creating Buzz in the BlogosphereI received a call from Reliance asking for suggestions on how to create a buzz about a product that they have just launched. I told him I’d reply back via [...]