What’s a farm without animals in it? They are the ones that add soul to the place. I’m a big believer in the concept of integrated farming and the farm animals will have an important role to play.
We have made a humble start and currently have chickens, guinea fowls and turkeys. Every single animal species brings in a new challenge for us as we learn about them from scratch. It’s the process of learning that makes this experience interesting.
Slowly but surely, we would like to expand the range of animals. Cows, Buffalos, Donkeys, Sheep, Goats, Rabbits, Turkeys, Guinea Fowls, Geese, Ducks, Chicken.
If you are interested in what we are doing, you are welcome to get involved. You can help buy animals, help feed them by small monthly contributions, gift them in memory of someone special or to celebrate a great occasion. In return, you get to bring your family to the farm and enjoy being with them. Also, opportunity for you to attend many workshops at the farm.