The best help, even better than money, one can provide is expert advise. If you would like to help out, ideas and suggestions are a fantastic way. I thank you in advance for your kindness.
Land Planner : The 12 acres of land needs better planning. There are plans to have a cattle shed, chicken pen, a pond for fishes, a recreational space with indoor sports, a guest house and more. The challenge we face is how to best place these at the right locations. These could be placed randomly but its best done with an expert’s help. We would greatly appreciate if you can give a helping hand here.
Landscaping Specialist : Around the farm house that we are building, we’d like to landscape so that the house naturally fits into the environment and also looks good. It would be awesome to take in expert advise on the best practices and ideas for landscaping. If you are a specialist in this area, it would be great to take your advice.
Architect : We want to build very eco-conscious houses using local materials. A farm-house, a guest house, a recreational room, cattle sheds are on the pipeline. I like how folks in Auroville very creatively build these. If this is your passion, I’d love to collaborate with you.
Horticulturist : Growing trees is a science and I’m a complete amateur at this. Would be great to take in expert advise on how to grow a multi-tree orchard.