About the Workshop
There is unique joy in producing food. Farming is a wonderful activity and can be a good secondary source of income. There are many who want to try their hands at farming.
Wishing is easy but implementing that wish can be tough. We went down that path and have learnt valuable lessons and important tips. This workshop is meant to share those lessons and tips and get you started on your quest to get into farming.
Two Days & Three Nights:
This is an intensive two day workshop. Workshop lessons start early in the morning at day break and goes on till late evening. Expect the two days to be strenous as we will sweat it out in the field.

Residential Program:
The beauty of the program is that it is residential. You stay right in the middle of the 12 acre farm. What better way to experience farm life that staying right where the action happens.
Hands-on Workshop:
The best way to learn is to actually to practice it in real life at the farm.
Unconference Method:
Unlike traditional methods of learning where a teacher teaches and the students listen, we follow the unconference method. We believe in the policy that the collective wisdom of all participants is higher than any one trainer. Everyone is expected to actively participate. There will be group discussions, team exercises, competitions and group learning.
Field Trips:
We will be visiting other farms, nurseries, goateries and cattle farms. We will be meeting successful farmers and learn from them.
Treks and Fun Activities:
There will be lots of fun team building activites. You will also have fun activities like learning to milk a cow, building a chicken coop, trekking along the river and a visit to the famous Gingee Fort.
Small Group:
The workshop is restricted to only 12 participants. It is intentionally kept small to have more focus and greater interaction.
Learn from Experts:
At the village, there are successful farmers with a life-time of experience in farming. You get to learn the do’s and dont’s from people who have been there and done that. In addition to traditional methods, we will also learn how to effectively use modern machines and technology to better improve and market the produce.
Who should attend?
- Anyone contemplating farming but don’t know how to go about it.
- If you have some land and want to now actively get into farming.
- Working professionals with an interest to get into weekend farming.
- Those already farming but want to learn how to market their produce better.
- Those interested in having a secondary income.

Who are we?
Kiruba Shankar runs Vaksana Farms, a 12 acre farm in Rettani Village near Tindivanam, Tamilnadu. He grows coconuts, plaintain, paddy, casurina, tomatoes, chillies and greens.
Kiruba has a dual life. During the week, he runs a social media consulting company and lives in Chennai. During the weekend, he turns into a farmer and gets his hands dirty with farming.
Kiruba will be the facilitator of the workshop using the unconference method that he is a big fan of. He even authored a book on it. The idea is to make learning a very collaborative, practical way while still having loads of fun.
Kiruba hails from an agricultural family who have been doing agriculture for generations. He will also rope in elders in the village who are life-time farmers to share their knowledge on farming.
and Cost
and Cost
The cost is Rs.4500. It covers the workshop, materials, stay for 3 nights & 2 days, all meals, Pick up & drop from Tindivanam and local visit to other farms